Planet Artreus

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located in the First District system called Core, is the location of the United League of Planets’ Parliament and political center. The planet is located in the approximate midpoint between the ULP's founding members, which was decided to be the closest thing to neutral ground that there was for the ULP member nations. A city-planet, Artreus's habitable areas are completely covered in a huge sprawling city which contains many of the administrative buildings for the United League of Planets.

The most distinctive section of the city-planet is the Parliament Sector, the most heavily urbanized section of an urban planet. However, despite the tightly packed buildings, one building stands out above them all, the ULP Parliamentary building. The Capital Building stands on it's own ground, a square area in the midst of the urban landscape which stands out due to the grass and tree covered park area that surrounds the main building, a small piece of nature, the kind of which is rarely seen elsewhere on the planet.

The building itself is the tallest in every direction. The Capital Building is so large that it towers over office buildings and living complexes that are huge in their own right. Built in a white marble and blue detailing motif the Capital Building is one of the most unique in the galaxy. The most distinctive feature of the Capital Building is its structure, made up of 5 towers laid around a circle with a central spire in the middle. The surrounding towers are connected by upper level walkways to each other and they are connected to the central spire via a leg of the building. The five spires represent each of the five founding members and is named after the corresponding member, they consist of: The Mournecreek Tower, the Cinnabar Tower, the Polaris Tower, the Taurian Tower, and the Felbarr Tower. The central tower, which is even larger then the surrounding five (a truly massive structure) and is the location of the central Parliament chamber, is known as Unity Spire.

All six spires are constructed on the same design, with the center one being a larger modification of the same. They are designed with wide bases and a pointed top.

The area around the capital building is highly secured, equipped with the appropriate devices. Right after war broke out between the ULP and the ASE members of the Taurian Rebellion destroyed the Taurian tower, however it has since been rebuilt.