Weapon Sniper AIA 9R
AIA - Sikfrit 'Longblade' 'Niner' 9r
Assisted Longrange Rifle
This rifle fires the fearsome `18mm AV/AM class ammunition or "screwtip" round <Ammunition_AIA_AV-AM>`_ which can go through inches thick CCF. Officially named the 9r, but also called "Niner" or more commonly the "Longblade". The Longblade has only four shots per clip but does significantly more damage per shot than other longrange rifles. Allow the gun to spin the bullets up to speed in order to get the maximum effect per shot. Use the bullets wisely though, as the Longblade only comes with four spare clips.
.. image:: http://katana.aff2aw.com/affdata/planetstorm/FPWeapons/aia-9r.jpg
Issued by: `Antarean Imperial Army <Antarean_Imperial_Army>`_
`Category: Infantry Weapons <Catagory_Infantry_Weapons>`_
`Manufacturer: Sikfrit <Manufacturer_AE_Sikfrit>`_
`Ammunition: AV/AM class 'screwtip' <Ammunition_AIA_AV-AM>`_