Bio Arial Edrasil

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Arial Edrasil

Arial Edrasil
AFF Ariel Edrasil by Knightwatch.jpg
Affiliation Rebel (Against the ULP)
Homeworld Tauria
Born 957 AE

The latest daughter in the richest and most powerful family in the Confederacy, over 100 years ago, her great grandmother, Yvette, brokered the agreement that created the United League of Planets, and her family hasn't done anything since. Rich, and spoiled, she enrolled as a graduate student at Tauria’s Belenus University and would likely have continued to act the same way had she not met and befriended Markus Vendete, who showed her the world beyond her parent's pocket. Just as she was beginning to fit in, strife broke out among the lower class and the seeds of revolution were planted on her campus.

During the beginning of the rebellion she came to realize the level of need that the people of her society are in, but she was unsure of what to do. Towards the beginning of the Taurian Rebellion tragedy struck one of the people close to her and she was thrown into a period of uncertainty. She decided that she needed to leave the ULP and get as far away as possible from Tauria.

One of the Antarean observers who were helping to arm the rebellion spotted her and realized her potential as a possible agent. The report found its way into the highest echelons where it was spotted by Sivon. Just as the TC rebellion was on the wane, (though only for a short time,) Sivon contacted Arial and she agreed to leave the planet and work for him as a pilot. She is currently doing so, unknown to almost anyone but herself and Sivon. She’s become an extremely skilled fighter and is sometimes sent out by Sivon on her own operations while he is occupied.