Faction ULP Cinnabar Republic

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.. image:: http://affuniverse.com/artdepot/Stranj/cartography/CB.jpg

Cinnabar – Capital system of the `Cinnabar Republic <Cinnabar_Republic.html>`_, much like `Mournecreek <Mournecreek.html>`_ it shares the distinction of being named for its only inhabited planet. However, the similarities end there. Cinnabar itself is mostly covered in desert, only after years of terraforming have tracts of land become habitable by people. Most of the populace of the planet live in large cities that stretch across its equatorial belts. The world’s indigenous wildlife are, for the most part, dangerous (much like the unforgiving landscape). However, perseverance on the part of the world’s settlers has turned Cinnabar into a prosperous trade and military power.

`Category:Nations <Nations.html>`_

A former bandit nation, Cinnabar has gone through many political changes to arrive at the stable, prosperous republic it is today. Despite the fact that many of the worlds in the Republic would be considered inhospitable by most civilized standards, Cinnabarans have time and time again demonstrated their amazing ability to turn a barren world into a sparkling jewel without the help of modern terra-forming equipment.


19 Systems

Political Structure:

Cinnabar has had a tumultuous political history, often reflecting the harsh environments of Cinnabar and the worlds of the surrounding star-cluster. Though the current regime reflects elements of a democratic republic, much of Cinnabaran politics still reflect the ideas of the old Caliphate. The office of president is, for the most part, a puppet position. Most real power in the Republic rests in the hands of the Protector-General, or Suhabe. This is a reflection of the power of the old Pasha families, rich merchants which for many years controlled all aspects of the nation’s politics, trade, security, and conquest. There was fierce resistance on the part of several families to the decision to join the League, believing that war with the Antarean Empire would damage the prosperous trade lanes between the two nations. It was only after much turmoil that the Republic decided to accept the offer of Alliance and go to war with the AE. This decision has long been a sore issue because it became the catalyst for more power to be invested in the office of Protector-General, a position usually relegated to a member of one of the weaker families.

Social Climate:

Cinnabaran citizens have a unique pride in their tenacity. Many worlds in the Republic are relatively barren, with human habitation limited to small strips of terraformed land. Despite this, Cinnabar’s worlds are some of the most prosperous in the entire League thanks in no small part to the intelligence and resourcefulness of its people. Two-hundred years of Alliance have been largely beneficial to the Republic’s economy as well and as a result Cinnabar is also one of the richest and most influential nations in the ULP. There is constant competition between Cinnabar and its neighbors, excluding the Star Kingdom of Mournecreek. The close proximity between Cinnabar and the SKM has led to an easy partnership between the two nation since long before the formation of the League. As a result, the populace of both nations consider themselves lifelong friends and allies. This friendship has led to many positive changes in the well-being of Cinnabaran citizens as the political and social reforms of the Kingdom trickle over into the Republic.

`Category:Universe <Universe.html>`_

`Category:Systems <Systems.html>`_

.. image:: http://www.affuniverse.com/artdepot/public/cartography/CB.jpg

A former bandit nation, Cinnabar has gone through many political changes to arrive at the stable, prosperous republic it is today. Despite the fact that many of the worlds in the Republic would be considered inhospitable by most civilized standards, Cinnabarans have time and time again demonstrated their amazing ability to turn a barren world into a sparkling jewel without the help of modern terra-forming equipment.


19 Systems-3

Political Structure

Cinnabar has had a tumultuous political history, often reflecting the harsh environments of Cinnabar and the worlds of the surrounding star-cluster. Though the current regime reflects elements of a democratic republic, much of Cinnabaran politics still reflect the ideas of the old Caliphate. The office of president is, for the most part, a puppet position. Most real power in the Republic rests in the hands of the Protector-General, or Suhabe. This is a reflection of the power of the old Pasha families, rich merchants which for many years controlled all aspects of the nation’s politics, trade, security, and conquest. There was fierce resistance on the part of several families to the decision to join the League, believing that war with the Antarean Empire would damage the prosperous trade lanes between the two nations. It was only after much turmoil that the Republic decided to accept the offer of Alliance and go to war with the AE. This decision has long been a sore issue because it became the catalyst for more power to be invested in the office of Protector-General, a position usually relegated to a member of one of the weaker families.

Social Climate:

Cinnabaran citizens have a unique pride in their tenacity. Many worlds in the Republic are relatively barren, with human habitation limited to small strips of terraformed land. Despite this, Cinnabar’s worlds are some of the most prosperous in the entire League thanks in no small part to the intelligence and resourcefulness of its people. Two-hundred years of Alliance have been largely beneficial to the Republic’s economy as well and as a result Cinnabar is also one of the richest and most influential nations in the ULP. There is constant competition between Cinnabar and its neighbors, excluding the Star Kingdom of Mournecreek. The close proximity between Cinnabar and the SKM has led to an easy partnership between the two nation since long before the formation of the League. As a result, the populace of both nations consider themselves lifelong friends and allies. This friendship has led to many positive changes in the well-being of Cinnabaran citizens as the political and social reforms of the Kingdom trickle over into the Republic.

`Category:Nations <Nations.html>`_

`Category:Universe <Universe.html>`_

cinnabar - large benign / corrupt dictatorship , trades with AE, remains independant

System List

  1. `Cinnabar <Cinnabar.html>`_ capital
  2. `Tigeran <Tigeran.html>`_ makes ae ships
  3. `Bairut <Bairut.html>`_ trades with ae, corrupt, poor
  4. `Abena <Abena.html>`_
  5. `Medalia <Medalia.html>`_
  6. `Kato <Kato.html>`_
  7. `Ismitta <Ismitta.html>`_
  8. `Hope <Hope.html>`_ strong ulp mil presence
  9. `Solomon's Eye <Solomon's_Eye.html>`_ ?? mirnoide?
  10. `Thesrule <Thesrule.html>`_
  11. `Alina <Alina.html>`_
  12. `Kalios <Kalios.html>`_
  13. `Therion <Therion.html>`_ ulp mil, threadway build
  14. `Taraat <Taraat.html>`_
  15. `Novai <Novai.html>`_ unstable star
  16. `Osman <Osman.html>`_
  17. `Anansi <Anansi.html>`_
  18. `Waydown <Waydown.html>`_
  19. `Fourier <Fourier.html>`_ ?