AIA - Kaller MLI
Missile Launcher Infantry
This innovative weapon by `Kaller <Manufacturer_AE_Kaller>`_ mounts racks of `38mm MLI38 missile's <Ammunition_AIA_MLI38>`_. The missiles come in varying degrees of technology, the MLI38-FAF fire and forget advanced locking missile, and the simple MLI38-DF with no guidance.
The MLI has the ability to acquire a lock on its targets. To lock-on, simply keep the enemy vehicle in your reticle while zoomed in for a few seconds. A marker and a beep will confirm lock-on. Each MLI round contains cluster missiles which splits up and seek the target independently. You can even do this under cover, as long as the lock is maintained, line-of-sight isn’t required. Extremely effective against aerocraft. Be careful of using this in enclosed spaces, you can easily kill yourself with it.
.. image:: http://katana.aff2aw.com/affdata/planetstorm/FPWeapons/aia-mli.jpg
Issued by: `Antarean Imperial Army <Antarean_Imperial_Army>`_
`Category: Infantry Weapons <Catagory_Infantry_Weapons>`_
`Manufacturer: Kaller <Manufacturer_AE_Kaller>`_
`Ammunition: MLI38 class <Ammunition_AIA_MLI38>`_