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```Wheresoever tread the sons of man, War will follow in their wake....```
The two superpowers grappling with each other are the newly reformed Antarean Empire, an expansionist power still smarting from a humiliating defeat of a century ago. Led by the young emperor Maruis Lucan Andromedeus XVI they are determined to resist the unification led by the ULP and to reclaim lost territories. The Antareans are the oldest and proudest colony of man, and also the largest single political entity in the galaxy. The United League of Planets, consisting of 5 founding nations and assorted fringe protectorates. The ULP was founded by legendary Taurean diplomat Yvette Edrasil after the war against the old Antarean Empire shredded the former core states' political relations.
Their goal is a unified galaxy but like any vast bureaucracy they are seen as somewhat faceless and cold by many of the wayward nations they would adopt. Sensing this tension, the Antarean empire led the call to arms against the ULP, and the galaxy has not seen the end of hostilities since.
Welcome to a universe at war with itself, where the feuds of nations consume the lives of men as they have done since the dawn of time.
Tomorrow the blood could be yours, or theirs. These thoughts like a trillion prayers are repeated across an ocean of worlds, many cut short, none answered.
Angels Fall First - Database
Welcome to the Angels Fall First Universe Wiki, an extensive reference of our vast universe.
AFF began as loosely affiliated collection of short stories set in an new and original sci-fi universe and has since branched out to encompass several projects:
- Naval Combat Operations, a Homeworld 2 total conversion, brings the AFF universe as a space RTS. - Nexus total conversion, AFF in Nexus: the Jupiter Incident. - Iron Angels, stand alone space shooter for the pyweek. - Star City, stand alone city sim akin to SimCity, also for the pyweek. - Second Antarean War, stand alone MMORTS on the Panda3D engine. Later morphed into Istrolid. - Planetstorm, as a UT3 mod and later on the Unreal Development Kit, a tactical FPS with space elements. - Angels Fall First, the continuation of Planetstorm on the full Unreal Engine 3.
This Database, available to you here so you can access all information stored within. The database has pages on almost everything AFF related, including a multitude of files, informational briefings, entries, explanations, and other intelligence on the Angels Fall First Universe.
Important Links:
- AFF Main Site - History of the Universe - Stories written in the AFF Universe - Abbreviation Glossary - Lists all the Toplevel Categories