Vehicle Aero Locust

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AIA - Locust: //(insert cool locust pic) Slower but more maneuverable than the ULA counterpart, it has four plasma guns to harass the enemy with, and the body these guns are attached to is very maneuverable. possibly more deadly in the right hands. No gunner seat. the EMP missiles the locust has do negligible damage, but can cripple a vehicle for a brief period and dazzle troops. this is the most useful and deadly missile if used right: against flyers just home them in so that they plunge to the ground and finish them with you plasma cannons, most of the times they will already be destroyed from the fall dmg. against tank or APC's, first fire one EMP missiles and get low above the vehicle in question. then just fire your plasma until it is destroyed but make sure you also fire missiles when the last EMP has just faded. try to disable infantry with heavy weapons (especially those with RID's) using your EMP missiles after that you can just finish them with the plasma cannons. don't be afraid to EMP yourself, this barely does any dmg at all and the EMP fades quicker the farther away you are. a single RID slug can destroy a locust. this is the eagle in the sky's, don't go in the open with these about! Countermeasures: Flares Driver seat: Quad plasma cannon, Alt-fire EMP homing missiles