System AE Halifax
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Halifax – A mining system on the border of the old `Antarean Federation <Antarean_Federation.html>`_. It is characterized by the size and depth of its debris field which are postulated to be the remains of up to 5 planets. Halifax was the sight of a deciding battle, early in the war, between the `Antarean Federated Navy <Antarean_Federated_Navy.html>`_ and the `United Space Navy <United_Space_Navy.html>`_. It is also the first battle personally commanded by `Marius Lucan Andromedeus <Marius_Lucan_Andromedeus.html>`_ prior to the reformation of the `Antarean Star Empire <Antarean_Star_Empire.html>`_. `Category:Nations <Nations.html>`_
`Category:Universe <Universe.html>`_
`Category:Systems <Systems.html>`_