Faction AE Foyeri Union

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Rimwards of the antarean border, centered in the 6th district, lies the `LeBenz Cluster <LeBenz_Cluster.html>`_, a hot, dense area of nebulae and novae rich in heavy metal elements and abundant energy. It is here that the original House Foyeri declared it's Independance from first Antarean Empire. The clan-chief of the moment, Het `Einreik Hemschaf Foyeri <Einreik_Hemschaf_Foyeri.html>`_ paid dearly for his vision of freedom. Several months of millitary action followed along the new and instable borders, claiming the lives of thousands on both sides, including Foyeri himself.

Foyeri's sons, `Rabart Einreik <Rabart_Einreik_Foyeri.html>`_ and `Kreig Einreik Foyeri <Kreig_Einreik_Foyeri.html>`_, shared the leadership of the union in his absence and held off the empire's millitary pressurings with logistical and tactical genius. They caused the construction of great shipyards and arms factories to leverage their advantage - resources and energy.

Many of the older production complexes, notably those on `Parabellum <Parabellum.html>`_ and `Barthui <Barthui.html>`_ were founded during this period - The scientists and manufacturers of house Foyeri were for a time unparralelled in the universe, driven by frantic neccessity to become an armed power overnight.

Eventually the Antarean emperor of the day saw that it was of far more benefeit to antares to allow the embryonic Foyeri Union to remain unmolested and utillise the incredible production capacity of the small new nation rather than destroy it or occupy it. Peace overtures were made and the Foyeri Union, with the backing of Great Antares, became the bastion of technology and manufacture that has prospered well into modern times.

Note - A little known fact concerning House Foyeri's independance war is that many of the AFN and later the AISN's most advanced modern battleships (and to a lesser extent, the `USN <USN.html>`_ and member nations) owe half their technology to this short, glossed over period in history.

foyeri = democratic, small nation under protection of AE

13 Systems

`Irega <Irega.html>`_ large capital city, dark underbellie `Arekha-Tan <Arekha-Tan.html>`_ darsalaam `Akir-Ahn-Nar <Akir-Ahn-Nar.html>`_ trade `Mass-Dulatt <Mass-Dulatt.html>`_ common `Massah-Kai <Massah-Kai.html>`_ much mvd training and recruiting `Mass-Erebus <Mass-Erebus.html>`_ research `Ferroch <Ferroch.html>`_ lost in Diyala cluster `Parabellum <Parabellum.html>`_ modern foundries `Barthui <Barthui.html>`_ manufacter cheap foundries `Strait <Strait.html>`_ old foundries Kivium, main foyeri mainline Partaeron, common Alqahira, under specific peace treaty with cinnabar

`Category:Nations <Nations.html>`_

`Category:Universe <Universe.html>`_