Weapon Shotgun ULA ASG10
ULA - Corps-Miyaki ASG-10
Semi-Automatic Shotgun
Like most `ULA <United_League_Army.html>`_ pump-action shotguns, it fires the 22mm `GAD class ammunition <Ammunition_ULA_GAD>`_, which is useful for ship combat but not much more. Short range because of the high spread, only six shots in a clip and a slow rate of fire. This is a good gun against cores for the `ULA <United_League_Army.html>`_, but you may need an ammo crate to destroy larger ships. Can kill both lights and mediums in a single shot at point blank range. `Manufactured by Corps-Miyaki <Manufacturer_ULP_Corps-Miyaki>`_.
.. image:: http://katana.aff2aw.com/affdata/planetstorm/FPWeapons/ula-asg10.jpg
Issued by: `United League Army <United_League_Army>`_
`Category: Infantry Weapons <Catagory_Infantry_Weapons>`_
`Manufacturer: Corps-Miyaki <Manufacturer_ULP_Corps-Miyaki>`_
`Ammunition: GAD class <Ammunition_ULA_GAD>`_