Weapon Rifle ULA DK11
ULA - Corps-Miyaki DK-11 'Deke'
Assault Rifle
Possessing a very high accuracy, medium rate of fire, high damage ratings, no overheat, and enough bullets per clip to ensure you can kill an enemy unit without having to reload midway. This gun has virtually no cons to it. The deke has proven itself on innumerable occasions, and comes with an array of modifications to suit all environments:
- DK-11A - Basic chassis and bayonet, single, burst and auto - DK-11C - Precision mod, as A but scoped with tripod attachment - DK-11D - Assault mod, as A but with underslung 35mm grenade launcher - DK-11SO - Covert ops mod, advanced scope with thermal and IR, suppressed stub barrel for shorter profile.
The deke accepts the ULA standard 8mm caseless `GAR class ammunition <Ammunition_ULA_GAR.html>`_ in all its usual flavours. A standard clip holds 30 rounds.
.. image:: http://katana.aff2aw.com/affdata/planetstorm/FPWeapons/ula-dk11.jpg
Issued by: `United League Army <United_League_Army>`_
`Category: Infantry Weapons <Catagory_Infantry_Weapons>`_
`Manufacturer: Corps-Miyaki <Manufacturer_ULP_Corps-Miyaki>`_
`Ammunition: GAR class <Ammunition_ULA_GAR>`_